
Acrylic Paint Decorating On Concrete Floors

By Robert Durand, last updated at 2009-08-29

For an elegant look, choose a faux finish with acrylic paint to your concrete floor. Faux finishing techniques allow you to capture the look of marble, brick, stone or tile with nothing more than painting. You usually have to apply several coats of acrylic paint and painting in various colors with a cloth or sponge, depending on the desired effect. If you are imitating the appearance of mortar work, you can strip areas to create grout lines.

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If you want to add a more detailed decoration to your concrete floor, use acrylic paint to create a carpet of fake that you never have to worry about vacuuming. You can design freehand, or use a model to replicate a traditional oriental style rugs or other for your concrete floor. The mat can be false small and cover only the central part of the floor or may extend over the surface. You can choose several colors of acrylic paint for your carpet of fake, but try to keep it for three or four to avoid creating too busy a look.


Another way to decorate a concrete floor with acrylic paint is to create a checkerboard design. Choose two contrasting colors of paint, and be used to serve as a base layer of the floor. Measure the floor to determine how many squares you can adapt to the surface. Mark the floor, so you know where to put the painter's tape to create the grid. Once the tape is in place, paint all the squares of your color acrylic paint seconds. When the paint is dry and you remove the tape, you will have a checkerboard of fun for your concrete floor. Black and white is a classic color combination for the design, but you can go with shades in the same family for a subtle, unobtrusive look.


Stencils make decorating a concrete floor with acrylic paint easier, even if your artistic skills are not particularly strong. You can find stencils in a variety of shapes and patterns at your local craft store, so you can create a custom design for your floor. Cover the concrete with a base coat of acrylic paint and decide what type of model you want to create with stencils. You can cover the entire surface with stencil shapes, or use stencils to create a border around the edge of the runway. You can also use multiple stencils to create a pattern in bold to the center of the floor. Fill out the stencils with acrylic paint colors that contrast with the base layer to ensure that the pattern stands out on the floor.

Concrete can be a floor area ideal for a variety of areas in your home because of its durability and budget-friendly price. However, if your dull, gray floor has seen better days, you may not be quite as enthusiastic about concrete. Fortunately, you can easily dress up the look of a worn concrete floor with acrylic paint. You can choose from several decorative techniques to give your floor a custom look that you are proud to show.

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